Why You Should Worry About Lack of Training Variation

Eric Campbell • Apr 10, 2022

Short answer. The biological law of accommodation. By doing the same movements on a regular basis your body gets used to these and you miss out on gains.

  Lack of variation in training movements results in:

  1. Early plateau in muscle gains
  2. Suboptimal strength and endurance gains
  3. Boredom with training

Think of someone that sets a goal of running a 5k for the first time. If they have not done any running, they may only be able to “run” to the end of the block in their neighborhood at first. But if they train several times weekly, they will find that they can run a little further each week. Their body is accommodating to the activity of running.

It is the same with strength training. If you work out at a big chain gym, answer this: how often do you see someone bench pressing 315lbs? For reps? How about someone squatting or deadlifting over 405 lbs.? The answer to all of these is the same: not often. Why is that?

Big chain gyms provide only the basic equipment which limits how much variation can be achieved. As a result, most people that regularly train at these types of gyms stagnate over time and do not come close to reaching their strength or fitness potential.

We can say the same thing about muscle growth. Keep doing the same few exercises month after month, year after year and you will get limited gains compared to the athlete that is getting frequent variation in their training regimen.

What is the solution?

  1. Training Equipment that enables load variation- range of motion, hand placement, load position (think cambered bars)
  2. Accommodating resistance – Bands and chains
  3. Training programs that rotate exercise movements and amounts of resistance and tempos

Who has the solution?

Until recently there was not a good solution in the Santa Clarita Valley. That is why we acquired CrossFit Rye Canyon and redesigned the 7,000 square foot floor plan to more efficiently serve the CrossFit community AND ESTABLISH the powerlifting/ bodybuilding gym that has been missing in our town. The new facility is named CrossFit Rye Canyon & Barbell Club and is located 25427 Rye Canyon Road in Valencia. We offer two distinct products: CrossFit with the best Open Gym in town and our Barbell Club. CrossFit members get full access to the Barbell Club in their membership making it the best CrossFit deal around, and we offer limited memberships to our Barbell Club.

Barbell Club member using the Marrs Bar in the monolift.

The Barbell Club has a blend of standard cable-based equipment (with specialty handles and bar attachments), unique plate loaded equipment not found in any other gym in Santa Clarita, dumbbells up to 150 lbs., and the biggest variety of barbells in town.

What barbells are on hand for members to use in the Barbell Club?

  1. EliteFTS SS Yoke Bar(s)
  2. Marrs Bar
  3. Ox Bar
  4. Bow Bar
  5. Texas Power, Squat, Deadlift Bars
  6. Kabuki Strength Power Bar
  7. Kabuki Strength Squat Bar
  8. Kabuki Strength Deadlift Bar
  9. EliteFTS American Press Bar
  10. EliteFTS American Cambered Neutral Grip Press Bar
  11. EliteFTS Rackable Cambered Spider Bar
  12. EliteFTS Multi-Grip Log Bar
  13. Cambered Bar
  14. BandBell Bamboo Bar
  15. Hex Bar
  16. Rogue Power Bars
  17. Rogue Ohio (Olympic Lifting) Bars
  18. Rogue Bella Bars
  19. Training Bars

As a member, you will be taught how to safely and properly use the equipment, receive programming on our app for powerlifting, bodybuilding, and general physical preparedness, and have 24×7 access to the facility. We also provide access to excellent independent personal trainers and offer lifting technique classes. Book a tour today.


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